Home » Are you there, ClassPass? It’s me, Jade – How 1 year of working out changed my life.

Are you there, ClassPass? It’s me, Jade – How 1 year of working out changed my life.

I started working out so I could get a fat ass. I wanted something so plump, juicy, and bondankolicious. I didn’t have a weight goal, I didn’t have a trainer, and I didn’t even have a solid plan – I just told myself that I wanted 2 things: a flatter stomach and a fatter ass.

I also started working out because truthfully, I had become unhappy with the girl I saw in the mirror. My first job out of college was remote because of the global pandemic and between recently moving into a new city where I knew no one and the fucking frigid cold of my first Chicago winter, I found myself stuck in the house. Uber Eats became my best friend because I was working a job where I barely had time to feed myself ~nutritious~ meals in my cute kitchen. In February of 2022, I went back to Barbados for the first time in 10 years. I saw my eldest sister for the first time in a while and took a Polaroid with her and her boyfriend. When I saw what I looked like on camera, my mouth dropped. Where did all of this weight come from? Who is this girl looking back at me? I was disappointed. 

A few months later, Lori Harvey went viral for thanking Pilates for her newest, sexy bod. I’ve always wanted to try workout classes and made it my mission to start. In June of 2022, I grabbed my Classpass and visited my first Solidcore Pilates class with my new friend (shout out to Bumble BFF), Sofiya. I was nervous yet excited. After 50 minutes of planking, crunching, almost falling off the reformer, and potentially snapping my neck- I fought for my life during that first class. It was the hardest workout I’ve ever done….

But I kept showing up again, and again, and again. 1 year later and I attended 60 classes and even started taking another pilates-reformer class at Studio Lagree, reaching over 10 classes. I’m currently challenging myself to do 10 classes of BodyRok in July 2023 and I’m already 50% to goal*

*(as of today, I’ve completed 7 classes and I am not a fan of BodyRok…but that’s a story for another day).

Me after 10 classes at Solidcore
Me after 60 Solidcore classes

The day before starting this post, I hit up 2 workout classes and went on a 3-mile walk with Sofiya. The next day, I attended another class with my friend, Sydney. Literally, WHO AM I???? If you told me a few years ago that I’d finally be living my fantasy of being a cute matching-set and fancy workout class girlie, I’d be shooketh to my core (which has gotten pretty strong if you ask me *wink wink*). Living in past prayers is something that’ll always stop me in my tracks and makes me so proud to see my fitness growth.

A year difference in working out (Summer 2022 vs Summer 2023)

While I was drawn into working out to get fit, what kept me there was that I was starting to feel different inside. I was happier, sleeping better, and becoming more confident. I’ve been fat my entire life.

Yes, fat. Scary word for some. 23 years of reality for me. As many times there were that I was fully aware of my size, there are also some times when I forget that I’m plus size. In February 2022 after seeing that photo, I knew it was more than just numbers on a scale and a new roll on my back.

The fat that grew on my body represented all of the changes caused by the huge amount of stress that I endured within the last 7 months post-college graduation. I moved from DC to NY to Chicago within 6 weeks time, I was working my first FT job remotely in a new city 700 miles from home…and quickly realized 3 months in that I hated my new role, hated how cold it was in Chicago, and hated how lonely I felt being time-zones away from my besties and my family.

But, I loved food. I loved foods that could transport me into new worlds. Meals that gave me flashbacks to happier times, such as the first time I had gringas in Tulum or fishcakes in Barbados. I genuinely loved cooking but I was too depressed and quite frankly, too overworked to cook, so Uber Eats was on speed dial.

Feeling good and looking better!

Nowadays, my work-life balance is way better than it was before. During the work week, 5 am-9 am belongs to me. That equals: slow and intentional mornings, my daily pre-workout stretches with routines from Yoga with Bird and Toni Mitchell, Pilates 2-3, sometimes even 4x a week, and breakfast at Casa Jade. Or even Chic-Fil-A’s Spicy Chicken Egg and Cheese Biscuit after a hard workout.

Improving my physical health taught me an important lesson in balance. I can still enjoy my favorite foods but in moderation. I try my best to not let a few days of “eating unhealthy” get to me because, at the end of the day, I’m working out more consistently than I’ve ever in my entire life. I deserve a little treat once in a while.

I’ve even been able to find new, healthier meals and snacks that I enjoy. Some of my current favorites include Tru Fru Milk Chocolate Strawberries, Quest Tortilla Style Protein Chips (specifically their Sweet Chilli ones that taste just like Doritos’ Spicy Sweet Chilli ones), Philadelphia Cheesecake Crumble, Chobani Complete Yogurt Drinks, and Air Fried Salmon Rice Bowls. This August, I’m challenging myself to cook more than ordering out. I recently got a new cookbook that I’m already in love with, Black Girl Baking, and have 2 Chrissy Teigen books with recipes I can’t wait to try out. 

When I started attending workout classes, I went in blindly without much research. I learned a lot through trial and error. Here are some tips for my fellow non-workout type, but on-a-rebrand, people who want to start getting active

Here are some tips for my fellow non-workout type, but on-a-rebrand, people who want to start getting active

[realistic] pilates-reformer tips for beginners

  • I’m a mid-day class sun, morning class moon. I recommend you try classes at different times of the day and find the top 2 that work best for you. Once I found out mine, it helped me become consistent and now I proudly attend 2-3 classes a week. 4 if I’m in a really good mood or need something fun to do.
  • STRETCH before and after. Your body will thank you. Here’s my favorite stretch routine at the moment:
  • Make sure you come 15-20 mins early so your instructor can explain the machine to you
  • I use “Core Training” to track my workouts on my Apple Watch under “Workout”. A lot of the classes I take have a core focus which I why I chose that one over the “Pilates” option. I see that being better suited for mat pilates vs pilates reformer.
  • Take as many breaks as needed. It’s hard, don’t feel ashamed. I’m 70+ classes in and I still have bad days and struggle through the next 50 minutes. What matters the most to me is that I stayed committed and didn’t give up. There were many classes where I considered leaving but my pride and dedication made me stay. Find your anchor. Mine is remembering how proud I am for showing up that day.
  • Tap into your personal learning style. I’m a visual learner and It took me a few classes to get a good grasp on things and looking around at everyone for examples helped a lot.
  • Coach-hop as much as you can to find the coaches you like! A good workout class needs a great coach with a great playlist to match. 

While I love Pilates, I’m making my way toward trying other workout classes such as SoulCycle, Yoga, and something fun like Pole Dancing!

I love working out and how beautiful, confident, and strong it makes me feel. I enjoy knowing that I can go to a class and those 50 minutes are dedicated to me. I get to show up for myself and whatever stress or anxiety I’ve been feeling melts away and I get to pour into myself. Learning the importance of pouring into my cup before doing anything for other people has allowed me to make sure I’m doing well physically, mentally, and emotionally. Words can not describe how amazing it feels. Being mindful of my physical health has changed my life and I’m so grateful.


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